Saturday, 29 November 2014

[ How-To ] Suggest your Facebook Friends to themselves and get rid of the prank.

Facebook like cover

Suggest your Facebook friends to themselves and shock them .

It's the latest prank developed by Dinesh bhosale .
In this prank you download and Install a Chrome Browser Extention called Facebook Social Toolkit
to amaze your friends with their own request in their account's request section .

Facebook friend request to self

So , how to do this prank on your friends .. ? 

Follow the steps given on the official blog here

Everybody was interested in using the trick and they were using the prank on their friends . But we actually were interested in getting rid of this prank .

Actually if someone from your friend list try this prank then you'll get a friend request from your own ID.The main problem of this prank is .. the request rests there forever .. it means you'll not be able to either Delete or Accept your friend request .

So .. here we came up with

How to get rid of this sh*tty friend request ?

After some experiments we found out the way you can remove it permanently .

So ..  How to remove it Permanently ? 

The thing which is to be observed is that :
1. It can't be Deleted .
2. It can't be Accepted .
3. Swype to remove is not there in Facebook app .. so don't try it  :P

Steps to be followed : 

1. Login to your Facebook account using PC .
2. Go to the Requests section at top bar .
3. Select Ignore button .
confirm or ignore

You're done ... the Section will be Yellow in color and will show you Friend Suggestion Ignored . Just like the image below .

Friend Suggestion Ignored

Now you can cross check with Facebook app on your Smartphones .

Facebook app no requests

1st Screenshot is of the time when i received ,
2nd is of the time when i updated Facebook app to check if it removes automatically after update .. but no luck ... and
3rd one is of the time when i followed the steps mentioned above .

Creating a problem is not important ... Important is to find a solution ..  :)  

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