Saturday, 8 November 2014

Get rid of WhatsApp Blue Tick :) [UPDATED]

Some days ago , WhatsApp Team added some new features to WhatsApp for Android , iOS , Windows , Blackberry etc. The Blue Tick  was one of them  , The blue tick indicates you the recipient have read the message you sent. We ( The SuperDevs Team ) have found a simple way to read out the message without knowing the sender .

Here comes the Methods . There are two temperory methods and a permanent solution . 

Temperory Methods :

Method #1 : 

Note: Don't open the new message that has arrived just now ... just follow the steps given ahead. 

#Steps to be followed to get the trick work  :

#1.  Long press : Long press the conversation screen and select Email Conversation.
#2. Slection :  Select the option which fits best to you . ( We prefer the Without Media option , Because it's fast ).
#3. Mailing Client : Select a Mailing client if it prompts ( We prefer Gmail) .
#4. Mail to Me : In the To section just type   " me " ( Without the quotes ) .
#5. Read : Read the conversation inside the mail . ( That's a Duplicate copy of the message )
#6. Delete : Delete the conversation from the WhatsApp application on your phone.

Mine is WhatsApp plus ... so don't worry .. the trick works on WhatsApp also ...

 FAQs. for Method 1.

Q1. What if someone sent me a Image,Voice note , Video instead of a Text ?
Ans: Simply select the Attach Media option in the step #2.

Q2. What if i have any other question not describe here ?
Ans: Simply Email me your question at

Method #2 : 

Method 2 is a simple and temperory solution to WhatsApp blue tick problem .
You just have to add a Widget of WhatsApp on your home screen and there you go . You can read all incoming messages right there on your home screen with the widget without knowing the sender .

Note : You don't have to click any of the messages on widget , if you do so , then the sender will get bluetick . Instead you go to the App and delete the conversation after reading the message from the widget .

A huge Demerit of Method 2 is , it takes away your privacy .

Permanent Solution to Disable WhatsApp Blue Ticks :

Method #3 :

Use WhatsApp+ : Yes , Using a custom developed version of WhatsApp by my friend  rafalense can help you out .. 

WhatsApp+ is a modified version of WhatsApp Application which allows you to apply themes , customize appearence and a ton of features to make your experience better . The above screenshots in Method 1 are of WhatsApp+ only.
Recently a new update came for WhatsApp+ in which he(Refalense) have added features to Hide Blue Ticks .

This method is permanent solution to disable Blue Ticks .

Screenshots here : 

Download the latest version ( V 6.40 ) of WhatsApp+  from Here

FAQs. for Method 3.
Q1. What if i have a WhatsApp ?
Ans. WhatsApp team is soon releasing the Blue Tick disable option .Wait for the update.

Q2. If i port to WhatsApp+ am i be loosing all conversations ?
Ans. Of course yes , you first take a backup of WhatsApp using Titanium Backup if you are Rooted user . And if not then Simply navigate to WhatsApp > Settings > Chat Settings > Backup all conversations.

Q3. Am i loosing my remaining subscription time if i switch to WhatsApp+ ?

Ans. No , your remaining Subscription time remains as it is . :).

Q4. What if my question is not listed above ?
Ans. Simply mail me at

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