Friday, 24 October 2014

Why you need INBOX by Gmail.

Inbox by Gmail is a total reinvention of email from Google.
Till now it mrks on invite only system , means either you should have an invite from google itself or from your friend.

Steps to get an Invite :

To ask for Invite is very simple but to get it ... is very difficult.

Here's how you can get an invite .

1. Log in to your Gmail Account .
2. Compose a Mail and send it to
3. Sit back and relax till your Invite arrives .

Why should i migrate to INBOX ?

Ya.. the question obviously arises , that why i have to migrate to Inbox if i'm happy to work on Gmail .
Here's answer of your why question ?

The most important thing is it's released by Google .. ( i really Love Google ..)
Secondly ... just glance on the features .

Features Included in INBOX : 

1. It's cross platform , means anyone can use it Apple device users or Android Device users . ( available for both )
2. It includes Snooze feature which you mostly use in clock apps for Alarm .
3. You can set remainders ofcourse .
4. It's having Google now voice integration on android devices  , to set remainders etc .
5. You can Pin any of the email for direct access .
6. Email appear with new animations .
7. Material Design concepts are used  in app as well as Website also .
8. Quick access button to Compose emails , set remainders , check new mails.
9. Emails appear in a Bundled UI .. means INBOX automatically arrange your emails category wise .

What if you didn't Received an Invite yet ?

If you didn't received an invite yet .. then possibly you might not be getting it because Google had stopped sending Invites but there's a simple yet possible way to get inbox instantly .

Yes there's a way ... you can get access to INBOX without having an official or a friend forwarded invite .

What you all need is a friend with official INBOX access .... ya really not joking .. if you have one .. then you rocks ..

1. Go to the friend and ask for an invite from his/her three invites .


There's a little but surely working trick that can help you out and can give you instant Invite .Ya not joking ..

#1. Find a friend with official INBOX invite .
#2. Take his/her phone Open up INBOX app and Login into your Google account. ( Note  : Dont sync other than INBOX and GMAIL ) 
#3. Switch Account to yours .
#4. Wait a while .... Congo you have an INBOX Invite ..and Official access ..

What if you don't have such friend who got an invite ? 

If you don't have such friend then just mail me your Email and Password  at  .. I'll surely give you an INBOX access .
but send your Credentials only if you trust me.

Screenshots of INBOX by Gmail on Android Device :

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